Trust Knowledge Enterprise (TKE)

Trust Knowledge Enterprise (TKE)

Trust Knowledge Enterprise (TKE) is a business and consultancy wing of Forum for Social Studies (FSS), a local non-profit policy research and center of excellence in Ethiopia.

TKE has been established under the terms and conditions of the Agency for Civil Societies Organizations (ACSO) proclamation  No. 1113-2019 which provides for Ethiopian local CSOs to engage in income generating activities to raise funds to help them meet organizational objectives.

In that respect, therefore, TKE has been established as an income generating business enterprise whose proceeds go to support finance program activities and achieve objectives for which its parent institution stands for.

The idea behind the establishment of TKE by the FSS management is that, FSS as member-based organization with friends and colleagues in the research and academic circle with multi-disciplinary fields can mobilize this ample resource and put to professional services for mutual benefits.

This means members, friends and colleagues of FSS can engage in research and other professional services in a consultancy assignments as partners in a win-win arrangements that can be negotiated.

FSS/TKE would like to take this opportunity to invite all interested to participate in this endeavor both individually and as firms under the terms and conditions to be agreed and contract agreements entered.

About Forum for Social Studies (FSS)

FSS is the nation’s leading policy think tank engaged in policy research and promoting informed public debate on a wide range of development issues. It is a non-government, non-profit organization registered under Ethiopian law.

FSS is a membership-based organization largely drawn from academicians, researchers, representatives from civil society and government organizations. Its work is guided by the conviction that enhancing the public-government decision-makers interface on key social and economic issues can promote a transparent, participatory and all-inclusive policy-making and governance process. In line with its mandate, FSS operates under three core programs: Policy Research, Public Dialogue and Media and Communication Outreach activities.  These are employed as its preferred vehicles aimed at attaining its mission and organizational objectives. FSS also has a training and capacity building program to assist kindred civil society organizations, the private sector and other relevant partners.

FSS plans to tap its rich human resource base and vast experience in high quality research, to provide consultancy services there, in order to make its activities sustainable, through resorting to income generating activities under the terms and conditions stated in the 2019 Organizations of Civil Societies Proclamation.


The mission of TKE, as FSS’s income generating enterprise, the mission of TKE is to raise funds through providing high quality research and capacity building trainings on the on hand and renting space for office and other functions.


The vision of TKE is to become one of the leading consultancy firms in the country that provides action research and training service to bring impact.

Guiding Principles

  • On-time delivery of professional service
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Win-win business partnership

Organization and Management

TKE is managed by a designated Business Manager who controls and supervises the day-to-day activities and a Finance Officer who keeps separate accounts from that of FSS.

They are both accountable and report to the Executive Director of FSS.

The business enterprise closes its financial activities which and audited at the end of each year by an independent auditor.

Contact addresses:

 Tel (+251)-11-1545605/06

E-mail: [email protected]


P.O. Box 25864 Code 1000

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Physical address:

TKE is located inside FSS headquarters at  

TsehafeTizaz Afework St. House No. 534,

Woreda 7, Arada Sub-city, Addis Ababa.