FSS Publications
The Blue Nile and Its Basins: An Issue of International Concern (No.2)
Author: Zewde G /Sellassie, 2006
This is a panel presentation that describes Ethiopia’s efforts and the challenges it faced to protect its interests and utilize the water resources of the...
Civil Society Groups and Poverty Reduction
Consultation paper on poverty No 3.
Editor: Meheret Ayenew ed., Pub. Year, 2001
This is the third issue of the Consultation Papers series that the Forum for Social Studies (FSS)...
Rural Poverty in Ethiopia: Household Case Studies from North Shewa
Discussion Paper: Number 9
Editor: Yared Amare, Pub. Year: 2002
The paper utilizes qualitative data to expand our understanding of the nature and dynamics of rural poverty. It is based...
Rural Lands and Evolving Tenure Arrangements in Ethiopia: Issues, Evidence and Policies
Discussion Paper: Number 10
Editor: Tesfaye Teklu, Pub. Year 2003
There are important changes in tenure arrangements and practices since 1975 but with mixed performance. Among the positive attributes
Rainwater Harvesting in Ethiopia Capturing the Realities and Exploring Opportunities
Author: Daniel Kassahun, 2007
FSS Research Report: No. 1
Ethiopia’s agriculture is predominantly rain fed. Food shortages and variability of rainfall are typical characteristics of small-holder producers.