FSS Publications
Assessment of climate change-induced hazards, impacts and responses in the southern lowlands of Ethiopia
Author: Aklilu Amsalu and Alebachew Adem, 2009
FSS Research Report: No. 4
Climate change is one of the biggest risks facing society. In Ethiopia, climate change poses particular risks to...
ትምህርት፣ ባሕልና ዕድገት፤ የትዝታ ጉዞ ከአዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርስቲ ኮሌጅ እስከ ዓለም ዓቀፍ የኤኮኖሚ ተቋማት (1948-1996) (ቁጥር 3)
Author: አስፋው ዳምጤ, 1998 ዓ/ም
ደራሲው በልጅነት፣ በተማሪነት፣ በጎልማሳነትና በአገር ውስጥና በውጭ አገርም በሥራ ዓለም ያዩትን፣ የሰሙትንና ያጋጠማቸውን የሚያወጉበትና ያለፉበትን ሕብረተሰብ ባሕል፣ አኗኗርና፣ አመለካከት የሚተርኩበት ለውይይት የቀረበ ጽሑፍ፡፡
The Private Sector and Poverty Reduction
Consultation Paper On Poverty: No. 5
በአሁኑ ጊዜ በሀገራችን በገጠርና በከተማ ያለው የድህነት መጠንና ስፋት በጣም አሳሳቢ ደረጃ ላይ ደርሷል፡፡ ይኸን ችግር ለመቅረፍ የሁሉንም ርብርቦሽ
Resettlement in Ethiopia: The Tragedy of Population Relocation in the 1980s
Discussion Paper: Number 11
Editor: Dessalegn Rahmato, Pub. Year: 2003
This paper was written and delivered at a public conference in 1989, at a time when the Derg's massive programme...
Volume 1 No. 3
July 1999