FSS releases new publications on current land and food security issues in Ethiopia

FSS releases new publications on current land and food security issues in Ethiopia. The publications come as a culmination of a year-long public dialogue events organized at national and regional levels(Oromia, Tigrai and Amhara)as part of a dialogue and dissemination project implemented by FSS under the theme “Land and Food Security in Ethiopia’s Transition to a Democratic Society” with the financial support from the Open Society Initiative for East Africa (OSIEA).

The newly released research publications contain research papers presented and debated in the six dialogue events held in Addis Ababa, and in three regional ones. Where as seven of the above nine events were conducted actually, two of them were realized virtually due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The research publications explore the recurrent and contemporary issues revolving around the issue of land and food security in Ethiopia, including the challenges and policy recommendations that aim to alleviate them.

Specifically, the publications attempt to answer such important questions as:

  • What are the current issues and main arguments around policy on land and food security with regards to women, the youth, investment and others?
  • What are the main issues concerns and challenges with regards to land and food security in the selected study regions, (Oromia, Tigrai and Amhara)

The publications also recommend viable policy recommendations and future directions.

Whereas the six research papers dealing with national issues and concerns presented and discussed in the Amharic language have been published in a single volume after they have been duly reviewed and edited, the three regional events are published in the three regional languages of Afan Oromo, Tigrigna and Amharic,and printed separately making up a total of four publications.

The four publications come under the titles indicated below:

  1. ፖለቲካዊ ሽግግር የገጠር መሬት እና የምግብ ዋስትና በኢትዮጵያ (በስድስት ፀሐፍት እና በዘሪሁን ሞሓመድ አርታኢነት)
  2. በአማራ ክልል የመሬትና ምግብ ዋስትና ዋናዋና አሳሳቢ ጉዳዮች (መንበሩ አለባቸው)
  3. መሬትን ውሕስና ምግቢን ኣብ ትግራይ (ከበደማነጁር)
  4. Lafaafo Yaaddoo Wabii Nyaataa (Assabee Reggassaa )

The publications are now available in hard copies and on sale at ‘printing cost’ @ FSS Library (new FSS building in Kebena, on the street between Sanford International School and Catholic Kidanemehret Church), and at leading book stores including, Addis Ababa University Book Centre, Universal Book Shop, Book World, Book Corner and Ankeboot Book Shop. Digital versions of the publications