Public discussion on “Revision of Ethiopia’s Commercial Code” and “Implications of Liberalizing the Ethiopian Financial Sector

FSS holds public discussion on “Revision of Ethiopia’s Commercial Code” and “Implications of Liberalizing the Ethiopian Financial Sector”

Forum for Social Studies (FSS) conducted a high-level dialogue among relevant stakeholders on the ongoing process revising the country’s commercial laws and on the implications of liberalizing the financial sector, on Thursday, 7 April 2022, at Azzeman Hotel, Addis Ababa.

The objective of the dialogue event was to provide the financial community and experts of its attendant disciplines, a platform that would contribute towards clarity over the process of revising the commercial code and explore the pros and cons of liberalizing the financial sector, including the opening up of the market to foreign banks.

The discussion was led by presentations of a panel consisting of the three senior experts, namely: (1) Ato Belayhun Yirga, Directorate General of the Legal Research, Drafting and Consolidating Directorate of the Ministry of Justice (2) Professor Alemayehu Geda, senior researcher of macroeconomic and financial issues at Addis Ababa University, and (3) Dr. Eyob Tesfaye, currently a UN employee and member the Board of CBE with previous service in the country’s financial sector.

Following the panel presentations, a live discussion consisting of comments, question and answer session by the attending participants ensued. Professor Bahru Zewdie, History Professor Emeritus of Addis Ababa University and member of FSS Executive Board chaired the event that was attended by some 40 individuals drawn from the state and private banks, law firms and the media.

In the course of the days that follow soon, FSS will produce a video and a policy brief directed at policy makers and the public at large via its official website as well as other digital platforms.