FSS has launched a new publication

FSS has launched a digital version of a new publication that deals with the rising demands in Ethiopia for National Statehood, and for Zone and special Woreda.

The newly published book titled የብሔራዊ ክልል፣ ዞን እና ልዩ ወረዳ የመሆን ጥያቄዎች በኢትዮጵያ ፤ ምክንያቶች፣ ተግዳሮቶች እና የመፍትሄ ሃሳቦች  has just been  released on FSS official website for public consumption. The digital publication contains four discussion papers by scholars in the field, presented at a recent dialogue event organized by FSS, in collaboration with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES).

The event was organized in the wake of a series of political developments in Ethiopia – the formation of Sidama, and South-West regios, and follow up calls for regional statehood, and that of zonal and special woreda statuses.